Month: June 2014

Overwhelm? Totally Conquered!


Overwhelmed. I was totally feeling the pressure recently at my son’s end of year school picnic.

I started thinking about all that had to be done. I thought of all the things that could throw the plan off. I was totally talking myself into a “worst case scenario” situation.

I knew I needed to make sure my daughter had her nap. She can be iffy on those. If she missed the nap, I’d be at this picnic with a hyper four year old and a cranky baby. I also knew that I needed to order the pizzas for the picnic while she slept. Once we picked up my son, we needed to pick up the food and haul it back to the park with blankets, chairs, toys and stroller in tow.

Two kids. One mama. Three hour picnic. I totally allowed it to drown me in overwhelm.

All the stuff on my list didn’t seem nearly as bad when I put it in perspective and took one thing at a time. So, here’s what actually happened:

I woke up knowing I had a full day ahead of me. The day started with me getting the kids ready, packing lunches and getting my son to school. Next, was my daughters art class. While she napped after class, I ordered pizzas for our contribution to the picnic. We got my son from school and headed to pick up the pizza. Then, my excited kiddies and I were off to the park. And you know what happened next? We had fun! We played games, we hung out with my son’s friends, ate lots of food, swung at pinatas and everything else the picnic had to offer.

At the end of the day, I  had worked myself up for no reason it all.

Have you ever done that? Have you had something  to do that was so simple but you make it bigger than it ever needs to be? Sometimes we build up so much anxiety over the smallest of things.

The best way to combat that for me I’ve found is to break things down. Just give yourself some order and do one thing at a time. When taking the whole of anything in one chunk it could be too much. It’s like trying to pick up a whole pound cake and chow down. No! We take it one slice at a time. Breaking things down into small manageable tasks works every time. Even when it’s something as simple as a school picnic.

So tell me, how do you deal with overwhelm?

Yes, You Can Have…


At some point along this ride we have to start saying yes to the things we want. It’s even bigger than that though. There’s this thing we have to get past. It’s called permission.

permissionI have found that there were some things I wasn’t getting out of life because I wouldn’t give myself permission to have what I say it is I want. Yes, I would talk my friends ears off about the life I wanted for myself. I had big dreams and that’s all they were. There wasn’t a plan to get any of it. As they say, “a goal without a plan is just a dream.” {tweet this} I finally figured out that I didn’t think I was allowed to have the life, the home, the career I wanted. I guess, on some level, I thought that type of “on your own terms” living was reserved for a select few.

Then, I decided to tell myself a different story. As I sat down to make one of my MANY lists, I gave myself permission to have everything on those lists. It sounds so simple but telling myself yes was really one of the first steps to living a life that brings me a little more happy. And who couldn’t use a little more happy, right?

I said yes to being an author, which led me down the road of entrepreneur. That was something I hadn’t so much considered but have eagerly said yes to. The most rewarding yes had to be the decision to spend more time at home with my kids. Here’s what I’m learning, there are some things that keep nagging at us. There are things to change, things we want, etc. Once we give in and say yes, the details kinda fill themselves in. Here are a few more things on my “PERMISSION GRANTED!” list:

  • A healthier lifestyle – I’m slowly moving our family to a more plant based diet. Got any great recipes? Feel free to share!
  • Extra energy – I think this is going to come with a commitment to consistently work out and get more sleep.
  • Less stress – I tend to take on a million things. I’ll be scaling down my list.
  • Conquering overwhelm – See above! LOL!
  • Keeping a positive out look – I think all of these things will help keep my outlook in check. 🙂

So, now your turn. PERMISSION GRANTED! What’s one thing big or small that you could say yes to?

P.S. The June newsletter comes out this week! Are you on the list? Sign up below. 🙂


It’s All in How You See it…


**I have to thank you ALL for last week’s post! I shared and you gave it right back. It is a pleasure getting to know you! That has to be my favorite post so far! On to today’s post! 🙂 **

Since the passing of Dr. Maya Angelou, her quotes have been posted everywhere. From Twitter to Facebook, my newsfeed and timeline has been filled with everyone’s favorite quotable from her. Like everyone else, I definitely have my favorites. There are actually too many to list here. I came across this one a couple of days ago. I’m not sure I’d heard anyone mention it before.

be prepared

It sounds great! I think I immediately re-tweeted, liked it and copied it to encourage myself later. It was just the thing I needed to keep me motivated that everything I wanted was mine. I only needed to ask. Whoot whoot!

I took another look at the quote though. When looking at it again, I saw it differently. I saw the work behind this quote that I didn’t see the first time *tire screech*.  The thing is, I took this and ran with at first. It’s easy to just see the surface of it. We ask for what we want and just wait. Boom! That thing I asked for appears. Nice! But I couldn’t stop there. Oh no! I couldn’t let it be pretty and magical. I had to take it a step further. Ugh!

When I looked at it again, the quote had a different meaning.  My guess is the the intent of this quote is to remind us to do the work.

This spoke to me so much as a mama! I have a million things I want to do and pursue. It seems like having babies only made that number multiply. This quote is a reminder to me. The life I want, the passion in my belly and the dream I can’t shake – they take work!  <– {tweet this} Once I’ve done the work though, it’s as simple as making the request and it’s mine. It’s that whole idea of luck. It’s really preparation and opportunity meeting, right? Not exactly hocus pocus, but still so worth it!

Had you heard this quote before? What passion are you working on?