Month: September 2014

Write The Vision


Are you the type of person who has to write things down to make sure you actually do them or remember them? *Raises Hand* That’s so me! I have to do lists all of the place. They are taking up lots o’ space in my phone and in my notebook planner. I have lists and sub-lists. I’ve gotten better. The lists used to be spread out on stray pieces of paper here and there.

Having a list is absolutely my favorite way to stay on track. It’s always nice to come back to a list and delete several things because I actually followed through! I give myself a pat on the back and a get it, mama shout and move on to the next thing.

One thing that I’ve tried recently  is really working for me. For the first time, I have a vision board. I had heard about them for years. My intention had been to do one for a while now. I finally sat down earlier this year and made it happen. I went through the old magazines that I haven’t found time to read and started cutting. I went for anything that spoke to me. I included things that I wanted to see in my life or that I wanted to see more of in my life. I found quotes that said something to me. When I was done I had a heap of magazine clippings! I could have done a second vision board with the stuff I threw away.  Here is what I came up with:

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My board speaks to the growth I want to see in my business and my re-commitment to my fitness. It touches on the changes I want to see in our home, travel and my style. They are all represented on the board. While not everything is where I’d like it to be, I’ve seen serious progress. From business to fitness and our home there have been changes. Everything is moving in the right direction. My board isn’t even a year old. I will be paying attention to the progress I make as I get closer to the one year mark.

thougts worldI have to say, there is something to be said for putting what you want out there. It’s a powerful thing to speak it and then watch it take shape. Having a vision board has been a really good thing for me. It’s not that I’m always focused on the board either. Every now and then I glance up at it. There were times that I’d shake my head at myself for not making progress on the things on that board. For a bit, I wasn’t make much of an effort. Having it in front of my face was a constant reminder to DO SOMETHING! So, I did.

I found my work out equipment and DVD’s and started working out again. I thought of the person I used to be when I was in better shape and started buying those foods again. I really do feel like I felt BEFORE having my son almost 5 years ago. Just making those changes in my life have been huge for me. I took time away on a weekend here and there to get some work done. I have been doing research and brainstorming and creating products for this business. I have been sharing my heart with anyone who will listen and the support has been overwhelming. I can’t say looking at that vision board everyday and seeing my goals had nothing to do with that. As I get to work on some of these other goals, I’ll let you know how things unfold. I’m really excited to see what’s next!

Have you done a vision board? What’s been your experience with it? If you haven’t done a vision board, share your ideas for checking off goals!

Comfort Zones Are The Devil


OK, so calling comfort zones the devil could be a bit ahem, strong. Maybe.

Comfort is a good thing. We all want it. Whether it’s your shoes, your jeans, your bed, your finances we all seek some sort of comfort. I remember moving to L.A. and having to start all over with my career. I was in the struggle for real. When you jump into the job market out here looking to work in entertainment – it’s feast or famine. Everybody out here wants what you want. You are literally competing with millions. That was a scary feeling. I wanted it so bad though. I wanted to get to a place of achieving my dream. I did it. I found work in my field doing exactly what I wanted. Then came the fight to stay. To prove myself. Once I accomplished that, I was comfortable. That comfort was good for a while. Then it wasn’t.

The thing is when I get comfortable. I get antsy. I feel like I need to switch something up. I found that I missed the old me. I didn’t miss the struggle but I missed my hunger and my passion for it. I started to lose it. I decided to go on a rediscovery mission. It was not an easy decision. There’s a lot to be said for comfort. There’s this sense of security in it. Knowing what’s next, being used to a routine – that was comfortable. It wasn’t enough anymore though.

In shedding my comfort zone, I let go of the entertainment world. Scary. I became a stay at home mom. Scary. I dove into my passion of motivating other mothers. Scary. I’m starting a business. WTF Scary! All completely out of my comfort zone. The thing is, it’s bringing out the best in me. I have been taking my time and slowly building this space. Whenever I talk to someone about it the first word that comes from their mouth is passion. Everyone tells me how passionate I am about what I’m doing here. It’s true and I’m glad it’s coming through. I’d like to believe this quote is true… 😉

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There’s nothing easy about stepping out of your comfort zone. The thing is, that’s where the magic is!

comfort zoneHere are three ways to kick your comfort zone to the curb:

  1. Choose to do something different. It could be anything you choose. Just something to upset the apple cart a bit. See how that change makes you feel. You never know, this “new” way make work for you!
  2. What are your fears? Pick one. Face it. You may even want to take baby steps and work your way up to it. But get there. It will help you become more comfortable with taking risks.
  3. You’re going to be nervous when stepping out of your comfort zone. Feel that fear and do it anyway.

Tell me, what’s the last thing you’ve done to push you out of your comfort zone?


5 Ways to Make those Habits STICK


There are some goals I’ve been setting around here. That’s nothing new. I’m the queen of having a goal. I always feel the need to have something to work toward. One of my goals is working on staying committed to my fitness. I have fallen off in a big way since having kids. Getting back on track has been slow going – but it’s going!

I was talking to my girlfriends recently and we all agree that we could be doing more. Whether it’s the things we eat or working out – more could be getting done. As for me, I’ve carved out some time in my day to work out at least 4 times a week. I want to get back up to 5 days. It’s been a while since I’ve been that girl though so I am pacing myself. The goal here isn’t for me to hit a certain weight or size. That was never my goal with working out. I did it because it is good for me. I like how it makes me feel. I like how it makes me look.  Working out in the morning sets the tone for my day too. Once I’ve sweat it all out, it’s a little tough for me to justify a glazed donut. I feel like I worked too hard to give in to that and try to opt a healthier choice instead. It doesn’t always work (no one is perfect) but the thing is, working out keeps my goal of a healthier lifestyle at the forefront of my thoughts. That’s a great thing.

Your life does not get better by CHANCEWhile exercising used to be as much a part of my day as eating breakfast, it’s been touch and go for a while now. Essentially this means I’m trying to form a new habit. They say it takes at least 21 days for a new habit to stick. I’ve got just over a week to go! Whenever we start something new and attempt to make it a part of our new normal it takes work. We all have busy lives and trying to change things up often means trying to squeeze something else in to an already full schedule. One thing that’s been working for me is leaving my workout clothes out at night so they are the first things I see in the morning. I also leave my workout DVD cued up so all I have to do is press play!

No matter what new habits we start, we can all use a little support to stick to them. Here are a few ideas to keep the ball rolling once you get started.

Whatever it is you plan to tackle, start with your least favorite part of it first. Getting the least pleasant part of it out of the way, makes the rest of it easier.

Break things down into manageable chunks. No need to tackle the whole enchilada. If you’re looking to get fit, just move. Don’t set a number goal. You’ll only feel like you’re not making progress if you don’t see that number when you think you should.

Get a buddy! Let someone know you’re trying to start something new. They’ll check in with you and hopefully motivate you and keep you accountable.

Give yourself grace! If you fall off here and there, don’t beat yourself up. Just re-commit and move forward.

Use your words for good. Don’t say what you can’t do. Don’t allow yourself to talk yourself out of what you’ve started. You can do it!

Are you starting anything new? Tell me about it. Or let me know how you stick to a new habit.


5 Tips for Rocking SAHM (ommyhood)


After being a working mom for the last few years, life has changed a bit and I’m trying my hand at being a stay at home mom. I’d heard from my friends that being a stay at home mom wasn’t a job for the weak. My friends weren’t lying. I’m more tired as a stay at home mom than I ever was when I worked outside the home. I think it’s because I have way more physical labor now. Instead of sitting behind a desk, I am hauling my kids around, in and out of car seats and shopping carts as we head off on our daily adventures.

rewarding mom

It’s a different grind. As a working mom, I had stresses and feelings of guilt. I still have issues as a stay-at-home-mom, they’ve just changed. I just felt the need to clarify that because I’m not on board with the whole mom wars thing. I don’t think more highly of one over the other. Motherhood is hard. Period.

I’ve learned a few things after almost a year at home with the kids. Here are my top five ways for surviving as a stay at home mom.

1 – Have a plan!

My day would not work if I didn’t have a plan of what I wanted to do with the kids each day. My kids can get a little stir crazy and need activity and routine. I have to keep that in mind when I’m planning our week or none of us are happy.

2 – Respect the nap

I can’t just keep going with what I’d like to do if it’s going to cut into their nap time. If their routine is off too much, so is their behavior. Let’s just say I learned this the hard way… a few times.

3 – Meal planning saves sanity

Along with planning our day, I try to plan our meals.. all of them. Many times, I pack our lunches so that we can have a picnic at times or just be ready with food if we’re still out at lunch time. Dinner is always planned too so that I’m not doing that last minute panic when it’s time to eat.

4 – Talk to adults

I have found that calling my friends at some point during the day is essential. It’s just nice to have adult conversations. Many times, it’s flat outt necessary.

5 – Have something for yourself

It’s critical for me to have something that’s just for me. It helps if it’s something I’m passionate about. I’m used to working outside the home full time and I had to create something for me to continue to have that part of myself. Part of that is my blog, the other is this space. When I get a few hours to myself, I work on my projects and when I’m done it’s like I’ve been re-fueled. That boost makes me a better wife and mama. Win win!

What about you? What are your secrets for making mommyhood work?

TGIF? Nope, I’ll Pass


Fin. I’m done with it. TGIF and I shall now part ways. Yep, we broke up.

I am all aboard and hitching my wagon to that whole “ain’t life grand train”. I am all about not being this girl anymore.

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I don’t know that I’ve ever really hated Mondays. Yeah, it means the end of the far too short weekend. Yes, it’s back to the grind. Still, I was never mad at it. We had our moments though.  Let’s be clear on that! LOL!

Then, I started to think about things a bit different. I started to feel like that countdown to Friday was really me just rushing my life along. I didn’t like that feeling. Most of my week was spent at work. That’s five days out of seven. Why have a countdown going for that much of my life only to make myself happy for two, very rushed days? That didn’t jibe with me. My weeks are different now. I spend ALL week with my kids. Our week can be a grind. My son is starting elementary school today and the grind is about to really kick into high gear. He’s got to be at school at 7:50a. He’ll be in some extra curricular activities. My daughter has her classes and activities that will shift according to his new schedule. Then there’s that time I need to squeeze in there to do me. Yep, Monday through Friday is going to be a grind. It’s one that I’m not rushing though.

wait friday


If watching my babies grow up teaches me anything, it’s that time FLIES! I don’t need to rush it. Um, I’m suddenly the mom of an elementary school student people. Time is FLYING! More than anything, I want it to slow down a bit.

Starting this new phase, my son could NOT be more excited. He’s only talking about all the new friends he’s going to meet. He can’t wait to go to school because “I need to learn, Mommy.” His blind enthusiasm is so innocent. I’m deciding to take a page from his book. He hasn’t had a case of the Mondays and in his world they don’t exist. Every day is just a new day for an awesome adventure, time to learn something new, make new friends and see new things. Ding! That’s how I want to see life. Let me borrow those rose colored glasses! It may seem unrealistic but I am all about seeing the good and the positive. When we focus on the good and positive, we begin to see more of it. That being the case, I say bring it Monday! Tell Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday that I look forward to meeting them too. In due time.

What’s your take on Mondays? It is back to the grind or bring it on!?