Once a month I had an appointment with Tanya. She’s a guru when it comes to waxing. Every two weeks I had an appointment with another Tonya. She was my hair stylist. Every morning I got up just before 6a to get to the gym before work. After working out for an hour, I’d make my way back home to get ready for the work day. Those days were a long time ago! This is just a glimpse of my life before my name changed to mama.

mom-me-timeI used to do so many things just for me, without a second thought. These days it’s hard to wedge in time to pluck my eyebrows let alone schedule a wax. I have been finding ways to steal some me time though. Every time I find a sliver of time to do something just for me, it’s a mini-celebration. It’s not that I don’t absolutely love my life as a mom. It’s just that I realized that it’s the little things, like a spontaneous pedicure or a shopping trip to Target all by my lonesome, are pretty special. It’s the small ways I take time out for me that make me a better mom and a better wife. It’s true what they say “happy wife, happy life”. I’d also like to add, “happy mama, way less drama“. {tweet this}

All these little things we do for ourselves can be described as self care. That can be anything from finding time to read a novel or a magazine. It could be as simple as enjoying an ice cream cone as you walk alone through your neighborhood. For me, I find that I need the space sometimes to just worry about taking care of nobody but me. I gladly give my family most of me, but I save a little for myself.

Share in the comments: Do you have any things that you do just for you? What’s self care look like for you?