Dont-forget-to-fall-in-loveHow much do you love you? Is it off the charts love? Whatever the case, we could all use a little more love – from ourselves! Here are my top four ways to fall so madly in love with YOU!

  • comparison-quote-450x434
  • Stop comparing yourself to others. You are fabulous just the way you are. There’s no reason to compare your short story to someone else’s novel. You have no idea how long it took to get that novel picture perfect and publisher ready. Give yourself a break and focus on your journey. It’s going to turn out as it should.
  • Let yourself off the hook. So you didn’t work out today.  What did you do? Focus on the things you do right instead of the areas where you think you’ve failed. That doesn’t mean to ignore the areas that need a little improvement. Don’t make your failures your focus. If you give more energy to the things you do well, other things will begin to add themselves to that list.
  • Spend some time with yourself. Take a little time to get to know you, like really know you. Fall in love with yourself. The more you love on you, the better you’ll be to Y-O-U!
  • You have dreams that are unique to only you. That is pretty freaking awesome! Even if your dreams seem like they are someone else’s life, you’re a different person so that dream would look totally different on you! Go for it!

5 Comments on Fall Madly in love with YOU

  1. Mmmhhh.. I so love this message. Self-love is a big focus in my life right now. I do believe it’s the key to being blissed out and fulfilled in all other areas of our lives. I’ve been enjoying many daily rituals to be loving and generous to myself in new ways lately, and it’s been bringing me renewal and harmony all over.

  2. This is great, I forget to focus on myself sometimes. It’s also really hard to not compare myself to others, the media doesn’t help this. I’m going to make a conscious effort to stop comparing myself.

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