When it comes to bucket lists, mine is pretty full. I still have lots of things I need to cross off my list.  I am looking forward to one day riding in a hot air balloon, traveling to Paris with my family and taking a road trip in an RV.

Anything on my bucket list automatically doesn’t have a whole lot of urgency behind it. I think it’s good to throw a little must-do-it-right-now into the mix sometimes. For that reason, I’ve created a May bucket list.


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This list is much shorter than THE bucket list and makes me take action sooner rather than later. I don’t know what it is about me, I operate better with a deadline. That being said, knowing that I have to accomplish things on my list by the end of the month is a real motivator. It’s like my personal Mission:Impossible. Can’t you just hear the theme music?

  • This month, I HAVE to make progress on an e-book.
  • I have to get my post baby number two body back in the gym.
  • I must select new media contacts to introduce my book to.

Anything else I complete this month on top of that is icing on an already pretty sweet cake.

What goals can you set this month to keep you motivated?

3 Comments on What’s in Your Bucket

  1. I always have so many goals and things to do, but It never gets done! Sigh. But I keep on keeping on! My goal right now is to get out the newsletter sign up! IT WILL BE DONE THIS WEEK!

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